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Give monthly with Parish Giving Scheme

Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is a simple and effective way to give regularly to this church. With PGS you can set up a monthly direct debit, apply Gift Aid (if eligible) and each year, have the option to increase your gift in line with inflation. You can set up your gift in one of three ways:

  • Online – set up your gift on the PGS website.
  • By Phone – Call 0333 002 1271 (9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday). You will need to have your bank details to hand and the PGS Parish Code for the church (below)
  • By Post – Register your details and select ‘request a PGS paper gift form’. A form will be sent to you to complete and return to PGS.
PGS Parish Code Not currently using PGS

Give online by card

Give now

Give by BACS or standing order

Sort code 00 00 00
Bank account number 12345678
Name on bank account Example PCC

BACS transfers and standing orders require the sort code, account number and name on the account (above).

You can make a BACS transfer and set up a standing order using your own internet banking account or app. It is always helpful to let the church treasurer know you have done this to help them account for the gifts they receive. If you are unsure how to contact the treasurer you can register your details by hitting the button below and we will forward these to the treasurer.

Register my details

You can also complete a standing order form and give this to your church treasurer.

Download standing order form PDF

Contactless giving

Gifts can be made using a contactless unit (if available) and a debit or credit card.

A contactless unit is always available in this church.

A contactless unit is available during services and other events.

Contactless giving is not yet available in this church.

Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer and would like the church to be able to claim an additional 25% of the value of your gifts(s) please complete an online gift aid declaration form.

Gift aid declaration

Legacy Giving

Each year over 4,000 legacy gifts are given to Church of England churches. Legacy gifts play an important part in helping the church to grow, develop new ministries and maintain their beautiful building! You can also choose exactly how you would like the church to use your gift. If you are interested in leaving a legacy to your church, please use the 'register my details' button above and we will put you in touch with the right person in your church.

Find out more about legacy giving


Easyfundraising is a free-to-use tool that generates donations for your church every time you shop online! Over 6,000 retailers taking part will donate to your church when you use easyfundraising to visit their website and place an order. It’s totally free to be a supporter and has already generated £1,000's in donations for churches in Bath & Wells. Tap the link to the church's page (below) to sign up as a supporter. If the church is not yet using easyfundraising, use the ‘register your details’ button above to let your church know you are interested in using easyfundraising to support them.

Easyfundraising page Not currently using easyfundraising
Find out more about Easyfundraising

CAF giving

If you have a Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) account, you can make a donation to your chosen church via your online CAF account by simply using their registered charity number (below). If the church is ‘exempt’ you can still make a donation. Just tap the 'CAF donations' button below to see how this is done.

Registered charity number Exempt
CAF donations
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